MeetingSharingSoftware - Methods

Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name
Type the missing letters from: He's no ded, he's jus resing hs eys

location: MeetingSharingSoftware

Method group meeting - writing, sharing software

MatthewBrett gave a brief presentation of the current state of software organization and sharing in the CBU and beyond:

  • Code organized in directories; no versioning
  • Code fragments on wiki and elsewhere can get out of date
  • SPM updates somewhat fragile because modified CBU versions can be older than current SPM versions
  • No ready means of sharing utilities and SPM version
  • Difficult for people outside CBU to reconstruct CBU SPM system.

We discussed code versioning, and in particular subversion - see CbuLug:UsingRepositories

We need some organized way of maintaining our software, and being able to share both development and stable versions of our code with other users.

Suggestions were:

  • Maintain CBU SPM distribution as own repository, including updates
  • Use repository merge function to patch in SPM updates to CBU SPM distribution, thus picking up updates to CBU patched files
  • Keep all CBU utilities in CBU utilities repository, even those in very poor state of repair. Use repository system to update utilities in organized way.
  • Keep stable and development versions of both repositories, to maintain stability of system, and allow sharing of up to date code
  • Reference subversion repository directly from wiki, email etc to allow users to fetch latest files from maintained code.

Here is a draft suggestion for software organization: CbuSoftwareProposal
