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Fitting an ANOVA with two repeated measures factors in MATLAB

MATLAB code below for two repeated measures factors written by Adam Schurger and taken from here.

Clicking on the 'overview' tab at the website above gives further details.

function stats = rm_anova2(Y,S,F1,F2,FACTNAMES)
% function stats = rm_anova2(Y,S,F1,F2,FACTNAMES)
% Two-factor, within-subject repeated measures ANOVA.
% For designs with two within-subject factors.
% Parameters:
%    Y          dependent variable (numeric) in a column vector
%    S          grouping variable for SUBJECT
%    F1         grouping variable for factor #1
%    F2         grouping variable for factor #2
%    FACTNAMES  a cell array w/ two char arrays: {'factor1', 'factor2'}
%    Y should be a 1-d column vector with all of your data (numeric).
%    The grouping variables should also be 1-d numeric, each with same
%    length as Y. Each entry in each of the grouping vectors indicates the
%    level # (or subject #) of the corresponding entry in Y.
% Returns:
%    stats is a cell array with the usual ANOVA table:
%      Source / ss / df / ms / F / p
% Notes:
%    Program does not do any input validation, so it is up to you to make
%    sure that you have passed in the parameters in the correct form:
%       Y, S, F1, and F2 must be numeric vectors all of the same length.
%       There must be at least one value in Y for each possible combination
%       of S, F1, and F2 (i.e. there must be at least one measurement per
%       subject per condition).
%       If there is more than one measurement per subject X condition, then
%       the program will take the mean of those measurements.
% Aaron Schurger (2005.02.04)
%   Derived from Keppel & Wickens (2004) "Design and Analysis" ch. 18

% Revision history...
% 11 December 2009 (Aaron Schurger)
% Fixed error under "bracket terms"
% was: expY = sum(Y.^2);
% now: expY = sum(sum(sum(MEANS.^2)));

stats = cell(4,5);

F1_lvls = unique(F1);
F2_lvls = unique(F2);
Subjs = unique(S);

a = length(F1_lvls); % # of levels in factor 1
b = length(F2_lvls); % # of levels in factor 2
n = length(Subjs); % # of subjects

INDS = cell(a,b,n); % this will hold arrays of indices
CELLS = cell(a,b,n); % this will hold the data for each subject X condition
MEANS = zeros(a,b,n); % this will hold the means for each subj X condition

% Calculate means for each subject X condition.
% Keep data in CELLS, because in future we may want to allow options for
% how to compute the means (e.g. leaving out outliers > 3stdev, etc...).
for i=1:a % F1
    for j=1:b % F2
        for k=1:n % Subjs
            INDS{i,j,k} = find(F1==F1_lvls(i) & F2==F2_lvls(j) & S==Subjs(k));
            CELLS{i,j,k} = Y(INDS{i,j,k});
            MEANS(i,j,k) = mean(CELLS{i,j,k});

% make tables (see table 18.1, p. 402)
AB = reshape(sum(MEANS,3),a,b); % across subjects
AS = reshape(sum(MEANS,2),a,n); % across factor 2
BS = reshape(sum(MEANS,1),b,n); % across factor 1

A = sum(AB,2); % sum across columns, so result is ax1 column vector
B = sum(AB,1); % sum across rows, so result is 1xb row vector
S = sum(AS,1); % sum across columns, so result is 1xs row vector
T = sum(sum(A)); % could sum either A or B or S, choice is arbitrary

% degrees of freedom
dfA = a-1;
dfB = b-1;
dfAB = (a-1)*(b-1);
dfS = n-1;
dfAS = (a-1)*(n-1);
dfBS = (b-1)*(n-1);
dfABS = (a-1)*(b-1)*(n-1);

% bracket terms (expected value)
expA = sum(A.^2)./(b*n);
expB = sum(B.^2)./(a*n);
expAB = sum(sum(AB.^2))./n;
expS = sum(S.^2)./(a*b);
expAS = sum(sum(AS.^2))./b;
expBS = sum(sum(BS.^2))./a;
expY = sum(sum(sum(MEANS.^2))); %sum(Y.^2);
expT = T^2 / (a*b*n);

% sums of squares
ssA = expA - expT;
ssB = expB - expT;
ssAB = expAB - expA - expB + expT;
ssS = expS - expT;
ssAS = expAS - expA - expS + expT;
ssBS = expBS - expB - expS + expT;
ssABS = expY - expAB - expAS - expBS + expA + expB + expS - expT;
ssTot = expY - expT;

% mean squares
msA = ssA / dfA;
msB = ssB / dfB;
msAB = ssAB / dfAB;
msS = ssS / dfS;
msAS = ssAS / dfAS;
msBS = ssBS / dfBS;
msABS = ssABS / dfABS;

% f statistic
fA = msA / msAS;
fB = msB / msBS;
fAB = msAB / msABS;

% p values
pA = 1-fcdf(fA,dfA,dfAS);
pB = 1-fcdf(fB,dfB,dfBS);
pAB = 1-fcdf(fAB,dfAB,dfABS);

% return values
stats = {'Source','SS','df','MS','F','p';...
         FACTNAMES{1}, ssA, dfA, msA, fA, pA;...
         FACTNAMES{2}, ssB, dfB, msB, fB, pB;...
         [FACTNAMES{1} ' x ' FACTNAMES{2}], ssAB, dfAB, msAB, fAB, pAB;...
         [FACTNAMES{1} ' x Subj'], ssAS, dfAS, msAS, [], [];...
         [FACTNAMES{2} ' x Subj'], ssBS, dfBS, msBS, [], [];...
         [FACTNAMES{1} ' x ' FACTNAMES{2} ' x Subj'], ssABS, dfABS, msABS, [], []};

None: FAQ/RMWW_Mlab (last edited 2017-08-25 09:12:58 by PeterWatson)