= Fitting an ANOVA with two repeated measures factors in MATLAB = MATLAB code below for two repeated measures factors written by Adam Schurger and taken from [[https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6874-two-way-repeated-measures-anova?focused=5194153&tab=function | here.]] Clicking on the 'overview' tab at the website above gives further details. {{{ function stats = rm_anova2(Y,S,F1,F2,FACTNAMES) % % function stats = rm_anova2(Y,S,F1,F2,FACTNAMES) % % Two-factor, within-subject repeated measures ANOVA. % For designs with two within-subject factors. % % Parameters: % Y dependent variable (numeric) in a column vector % S grouping variable for SUBJECT % F1 grouping variable for factor #1 % F2 grouping variable for factor #2 % FACTNAMES a cell array w/ two char arrays: {'factor1', 'factor2'} % % Y should be a 1-d column vector with all of your data (numeric). % The grouping variables should also be 1-d numeric, each with same % length as Y. Each entry in each of the grouping vectors indicates the % level # (or subject #) of the corresponding entry in Y. % % Returns: % stats is a cell array with the usual ANOVA table: % Source / ss / df / ms / F / p % % Notes: % Program does not do any input validation, so it is up to you to make % sure that you have passed in the parameters in the correct form: % % Y, S, F1, and F2 must be numeric vectors all of the same length. % % There must be at least one value in Y for each possible combination % of S, F1, and F2 (i.e. there must be at least one measurement per % subject per condition). % % If there is more than one measurement per subject X condition, then % the program will take the mean of those measurements. % % Aaron Schurger (2005.02.04) % Derived from Keppel & Wickens (2004) "Design and Analysis" ch. 18 % % % Revision history... % % 11 December 2009 (Aaron Schurger) % % Fixed error under "bracket terms" % was: expY = sum(Y.^2); % now: expY = sum(sum(sum(MEANS.^2))); % stats = cell(4,5); F1_lvls = unique(F1); F2_lvls = unique(F2); Subjs = unique(S); a = length(F1_lvls); % # of levels in factor 1 b = length(F2_lvls); % # of levels in factor 2 n = length(Subjs); % # of subjects INDS = cell(a,b,n); % this will hold arrays of indices CELLS = cell(a,b,n); % this will hold the data for each subject X condition MEANS = zeros(a,b,n); % this will hold the means for each subj X condition % Calculate means for each subject X condition. % Keep data in CELLS, because in future we may want to allow options for % how to compute the means (e.g. leaving out outliers > 3stdev, etc...). for i=1:a % F1 for j=1:b % F2 for k=1:n % Subjs INDS{i,j,k} = find(F1==F1_lvls(i) & F2==F2_lvls(j) & S==Subjs(k)); CELLS{i,j,k} = Y(INDS{i,j,k}); MEANS(i,j,k) = mean(CELLS{i,j,k}); end end end % make tables (see table 18.1, p. 402) AB = reshape(sum(MEANS,3),a,b); % across subjects AS = reshape(sum(MEANS,2),a,n); % across factor 2 BS = reshape(sum(MEANS,1),b,n); % across factor 1 A = sum(AB,2); % sum across columns, so result is ax1 column vector B = sum(AB,1); % sum across rows, so result is 1xb row vector S = sum(AS,1); % sum across columns, so result is 1xs row vector T = sum(sum(A)); % could sum either A or B or S, choice is arbitrary % degrees of freedom dfA = a-1; dfB = b-1; dfAB = (a-1)*(b-1); dfS = n-1; dfAS = (a-1)*(n-1); dfBS = (b-1)*(n-1); dfABS = (a-1)*(b-1)*(n-1); % bracket terms (expected value) expA = sum(A.^2)./(b*n); expB = sum(B.^2)./(a*n); expAB = sum(sum(AB.^2))./n; expS = sum(S.^2)./(a*b); expAS = sum(sum(AS.^2))./b; expBS = sum(sum(BS.^2))./a; expY = sum(sum(sum(MEANS.^2))); %sum(Y.^2); expT = T^2 / (a*b*n); % sums of squares ssA = expA - expT; ssB = expB - expT; ssAB = expAB - expA - expB + expT; ssS = expS - expT; ssAS = expAS - expA - expS + expT; ssBS = expBS - expB - expS + expT; ssABS = expY - expAB - expAS - expBS + expA + expB + expS - expT; ssTot = expY - expT; % mean squares msA = ssA / dfA; msB = ssB / dfB; msAB = ssAB / dfAB; msS = ssS / dfS; msAS = ssAS / dfAS; msBS = ssBS / dfBS; msABS = ssABS / dfABS; % f statistic fA = msA / msAS; fB = msB / msBS; fAB = msAB / msABS; % p values pA = 1-fcdf(fA,dfA,dfAS); pB = 1-fcdf(fB,dfB,dfBS); pAB = 1-fcdf(fAB,dfAB,dfABS); % return values stats = {'Source','SS','df','MS','F','p';... FACTNAMES{1}, ssA, dfA, msA, fA, pA;... FACTNAMES{2}, ssB, dfB, msB, fB, pB;... [FACTNAMES{1} ' x ' FACTNAMES{2}], ssAB, dfAB, msAB, fAB, pAB;... [FACTNAMES{1} ' x Subj'], ssAS, dfAS, msAS, [], [];... [FACTNAMES{2} ' x Subj'], ssBS, dfBS, msBS, [], [];... [FACTNAMES{1} ' x ' FACTNAMES{2} ' x Subj'], ssABS, dfABS, msABS, [], []}; return }}}