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location: AnalyzingData / MNE_Python

EEG/MEG Analysis in MNE-Python

MNE-Python is installed at the CBU, and can be started using

$ mne_python 1.4.0

Previous versions include 1.0.3 and 0.24 downwards.

To use mne-python with Spyder, type

$ spyder_mne 1.4.0

Similary for Jupyter notebooks:

$ jupyter_mne 1.4.0

In order to list all conda environments, including different versions of MNE-Python, type the following in a Linux terminal window:

$ conda env list

You can then replace the version number in the commands above (e.g. mne_python 1.2.1, or spyder_mne 0.22, etc.).

The best way to get into it is by following thetutorials and examples on the MNE-Python web-site. You can download their sample data set and get straight to work.

You will need some basic knowledge of Python to use this software.

At the CBU, MNE-Python is supported by Olaf Hauk.