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Talks from 2023-2024 session


10th October – Allègre Hadida (Judge Business School) on 'Statistics and Data Analytics in the Film Industry'. A youtube recording of Allègre's talk is here.

22nd November – Lia Chatzidiakou/Rod Jones/(Chemistry) on 'Quantifying personal exposure to air pollution with sensor technologies and digital science'. Talk slides (pdf) from Lia's talk are here.


5th February – Peter Fretwell (British Antarctic Survey) on 'Wildlife from space: detecting, monitoring and studying wildlife using satellite imagery'.

21st March - Klaudia Walter (Sanger) on 'What has genomics ever done for us? A 20-year history of the human genome'.

2nd May – Roger Sewell on 'Monitoring Vaccine Effectiveness: can we trust results from parties with a vested interest?' A pdf file of Roger's talk is available here.