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WHat wOrd is made by the captiaL lettErs?

location: csdg / archive / 1920

Talks from 2019-2020 session


9th October – Imre Leader (Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics) on 'Clueless Voting'. A .mp3 audio file of Imre's talk is here. Note: there were no talk slides but an earlier version of this talk given some years previously is in pdf format here.

26th November – Nick Goldman (European Bioinformatics Institute) on 'How feasible is DNA as a long-term digital storage system?' A .mp3 audio file of Nick's talk is here. Nick's talk slides in pdf format are here.


3rd February - Oliver Exton (Economics) on 'The impact of uncertainty on trade agreements between the UK and EU'. A .mp3 audio file of Oliver's talk is here.

27th February – Meredith Crowley (Economics) on 'Invoicing and Pricing-to-market: Evidence from UK Exports/Imports Transactions'. A .mp3 audio file of Meredith's talk is here. and a pdf copy of Meredith's slides are here.

7th May – Allègre Hadida (Judge Business School) on 'Statistics and Data Analytics in the Film Industry'.