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location: csdg / archive / 1213

Talks from 2012-13 Session

9th October - Bob Haining (Dept. of Geography) on 'Evaluating Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s “No Cold Calling” scheme: an application of spatial-temporal data modelling'. Powerpoint slides of this talk are here and a .mp3 audio file of Bob's talk and the concomitant discussion are here. There are also some references for papers referred to in Bob's talk.

26th November - Simon Griffin (MRC Epidemiology Unit & CEDAR) on 'Should we screen the population for type 2 diabetes?'. A pdf file of slides from this talk is available here.

4th February - Vern Farewell (MRC Biostatistics) on 'The Early Years of the Medical Research Council's Biostatistics Unit: Science and People'. A .mp3 audio file of Vern's talk and discussion is here.

5th March - Peter Treasure (Eastern Cancer Registry and Information Centre & Department of Public Health and Primary Care) on 'Constructing a Predictor of Treatment Benefit when there is no Overall Treatment Effect: A Cancer Vaccine Study'. Powerpoint slides of Peter's talk are here and an accompanying .mp3 file of Peter's talk and discussion here.

25th March - Stephen Kaptoge (Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit) on 'Large-scale meta-analysis of individual participant data: methods and challenges'. Accompanying talk slides (pdf format) of Stephen's talk are here.

25th April - David Greenberg (Eastern Cancer Registration and Information Centre) on 'Survival analysis and stage at diagnosis: population based studies using Cancer Registry data'. A .mp3 audio file of David's talk and discussion is here and accompanying slides (in pdf format) are here.