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WHat wOrd is made by the captiaL lettErs?

location: FAQ / powppR

Power for difference in two independent proportions using R

Copy and paste the below inputs into R and adjust as needed.

alpha <- 0.05
p1 <- 0.19
p2 <- 0.09
delta <- 1
n1 <- 167

Now, copy and paste the below into R. The power, pow, and odds ratio, oddsr, should be outputted.

n2 <- delta*n1
pbar <- (n1*p1 + n2*p2) / (n1+n2)
chisq <- ( (p1-p2) / sqrt( pbar*(1-pbar)*( (1/n1) + (1/n2) ) ) )^2
pow <- 1 - pchisq(abs(qchisq(1-alpha,1)),1,chisq)
cat("Power of test=")
cat("Odds Ratio=")
oddsr <-  ( n1*p1*n2*(1-p2) ) / ( n1*(1-p1)*n2*p2 )