Questions about nonparametric tests

  1. Are there any references suggesting advantages to using parametric tests as opposed to nonparametric ones?

  2. How do I compare a specific pair of groups post-hoc in SPSS using the Kruskal-Wallis test?

  3. How do I compare the distributions and magnitudes of a set of positive and negative values (including accessing nonparametric test results in SPSS version 19 and later)?

  4. Post-hoc nonparametric pairwise comparisons of a one-way within subjects factor

  5. Jonckheere's and Pages's L Trend Tests

  6. How do I know whether to use an exact or asymptotic p-value with a Mann-Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis test?

  7. Is there such a thing as a nonparametric regression?

  8. A note about using ranked outcomes in t-tests and ANOVAs including nonparametric interactions and Quade's test

  9. Performing randomisation tests using nonparametric methods

  10. What is the expected total discrepancy score in a R choice task?