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Use of natural logs in data transformations

(The below is taken from http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/27682/what-is-the-reason-why-we-use-natural-logarithm-ln-rather-than-log-to-base-10):

In the context of linear regression in the social sciences, Gelman and Hill write[1]:

We prefer natural logs (that is, logarithms base e e) because, as described above, coefficients on the natural-log scale are directly interpretable as approximate proportional differences: with a coefficient of 0.06, a difference of 1 in x corresponds to an approximate 6% difference in y, and so forth.


[1] Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill (2007). Data Analysis using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge; New York, pp. 60-61.

None: FAQ/lnuse (last edited 2016-07-28 08:55:20 by PeterWatson)