FAQ/WilliamsSPSS/Fisher - CBU statistics Wiki

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Flind the wroneg tetters tin eaech wrord

location: FAQ / WilliamsSPSS / Fisher

Two independent group correlations may be compared using this spreadsheet.

Alternatively copy and paste the syntax in the box below into a SPSS syntax window, select all and click the run arrow key. Amend the SPSS input data as required.

set format f10.5.
/r1  r2  n1  n2. 
.50 .32 10 13
.59 .31 15  23
.80 .72 20  26


* /* Fisher's test for two independent
* correlations (r1=r2) having
* n1 and n2 observations
* input columns: r1 r2 n1 n2
* outputted p-values are one-tailed -
* just double to obtain two-tailed */.
set mexpand off.
set format f10.5.
define !indep (  !pos !tokens(1)
                    / !pos !tokens(1)
                   /  !pos !tokens(1)
                  /   !pos !tokens(1)).
compute #lct1=0.5*ln((1+!1)/(1-!1)).
compute #lct2=0.5*ln((1+!2)/(1-!2)).
compute z=0.0.
compute z=(#lct1-#lct2)/sqrt((1/(!3-3))+(1/(!4-3))).
if (z le 0) prob_z=cdfnorm(z).
if (z gt 0) prob_z=1-cdfnorm(z).
list variables=!1 !2 z prob_z.

set mexpand on.
!indep r1 r2 n1 n2.
set mprint off.
  • Multiple invocations of the macro in the same interactive session will produce the following note:

>The macro name specified on the DEFINE command duplicates the name of a previously defined macro. This instance will take precedence.

This warning does not indicate a problem and may be ignored.

* Comparing correlations between two matrices in SPSS.