Diff for "RunningStudiesComputing" - CBU MRI facility Wiki
location: Diff for "RunningStudiesComputing"
Differences between revisions 2 and 11 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2006-10-05 11:47:49
Size: 3982
Editor: devel03
Revision 11 as of 2006-10-06 13:01:07
Size: 3690
Editor: devel03
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## Please leave this at heading level 3 (===) for inclusion in the comprehensive guide
=== Computer issues for running imaging studies ===
## Please leave this at heading level 2 (==) for inclusion in the 'preparing your study' guide
== Computer issues for running imaging studies ==
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==== Subscribing to mailing lists ==== === Subscribing to mailing lists ===
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==== CBU users only - request imaging status and disk space ====
'''(at least a week before scanning).''' Your CBU account needs to be labeled as having imaging status, so that you can access and use the imaging directories. To do this, if and only if you are at the CBU, please consult the CBU computer staff.
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==== Thoroughly test your experimental program ==== === Thoroughly test your experimental program ===
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===== Testing program at CBU =====
'''at least a week before scanning).''' There is a replica of the CBU MRI console in the public computer area of the main Unit, labeled CBU Mimic. This is used exclusively to test programs for compatibility and to make sure they will not crash during an fMRI study. You should make full use of this before starting your study. CBU users can book the CBU Mimic can be booked on the Resource Scheduler. Outside users should contact [marion.ormandy@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk Marion Ormandy] to ask her to book the machine for them.
==== Testing program at CBU ====

'''(at least a week before scanning).''' There is a replica of the CBU MRI stimulus delivery computer in the public computer area of the main Unit, labeled CBU Mimic. This is used exclusively to test programs for compatibility and to make sure they will not crash during an fMRI study. You should make full use of this before starting your study. CBU users can book the CBU Mimic on the Resource Scheduler. If you are outside the CBU, please contact [mailto:reception@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk CBU reception] to ask them to book the machine for you.
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 At this point you should mention any non-standard equipment or paradigms to radiographers, in case these need to be approved for the scanner, or the paradigms require the presence of a physicist to run them (this is not necessary for standard protocols). Contact [mailto:radiographers@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk the radiographers] with these details. At this point you should mention any non-standard equipment or paradigms to radiographers, in case these need to be approved for the scanner, or the paradigms require the presence of a physicist to run them (this is not necessary for standard protocols). Contact [mailto:radiographers@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk the radiographers] with these details.
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===== Piloting your program on the CBU Scanner =====
'''(at least a few days before scanning).''' It is also highly recommended that you book some time at the CBU Scanner to install and test your program onsite. You should contact [mailto:lucille.murby@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk Lucille Murby] about booking a 15 minute pilot slot, and to request whether you need the radiographers to generate any scanner pulses. Note that it is possible to generate simulated pulses, via the panel in the computer cupboard in the corner. There are three stimulus PCs permanently available in the scanner room. You should ask the radiographers about how to switch between PCs if this is unclear. Be sure to fully test your program, including its interaction with scanner pulses and with the button box if required, as well as the correct presentation of stimuli. For more information on stimulus presentation in the CBU scanner, visit [:CbuStimulusDelivery:here]. Remember to install your program and store your data on the D drive, as the C drive is wiped and refreshed every month with a new image. This is also a good time to tell the radiographers who you are, what slots you will be scanning with whom, and under what CBU Scanner protocol number. In addition, you should mention any non-standard equipment or paradigms, in case these need to be approved for the scanner, or the paradigms require the presence of a physicist to run them (this is not necessary for standard protocols). If any problems are unable to be resolved during the pilot session/s then the main scanning slots (if booked at this point) need to be reviewed and possibly re-allocated.
==== Piloting your program on the CBU Scanner ====

'''(at least a few days before scanning).''' It is also highly recommended that you book some time at the CBU Scanner to install and test your program onsite. You should contact LucilleMurby about booking a 15 minute pilot slot, and to request whether you need the radiographers to generate any scanner pulses. Note that it is possible to generate simulated pulses, via the panel in the computer cupboard in the corner. There are three stimulus PCs permanently available in the scanner room. You should ask the radiographers about how to switch between PCs if this is unclear. Be sure to fully test your program, including its interaction with scanner pulses and with the button box if required, as well as the correct presentation of stimuli. For more information on stimulus presentation in the CBU scanner, visit [:CbuStimulusDelivery:here]. Remember to install your program and store your data on the D drive, as the C drive is wiped and refreshed every month with a new image. This is also a good time to tell the radiographers who you are, what slots you will be scanning with whom, and under what CBU Scanner protocol number. In addition, you should mention any non-standard equipment or paradigms, in case these need to be approved for the scanner, or the paradigms require the presence of a physicist to run them (this is not necessary for standard protocols). If any problems are unable to be resolved during the pilot session/s then the main scanning slots (if booked at this point) need to be reviewed and possibly re-allocated.

Computer issues for running imaging studies

Subscribing to mailing lists

(as early as possible). In order to get information about talks, current computer and scanner problems, changes in CBU Scanner setup, etc. you need to subscribe to the following mailing lists: ImagersCbuList (for CBU staff only), ImagersTechList (any technical imaging information relating to SPM, scanner issues, methods talks, etc.), and ImagersList (general Cambridge imaging mailing list). Contact [mailto:sian.miller@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk Sian Miller] for more details and to subscribe.


Thoroughly test your experimental program

Testing program at CBU

(at least a week before scanning). There is a replica of the CBU MRI stimulus delivery computer in the public computer area of the main Unit, labeled CBU Mimic. This is used exclusively to test programs for compatibility and to make sure they will not crash during an fMRI study. You should make full use of this before starting your study. CBU users can book the CBU Mimic on the Resource Scheduler. If you are outside the CBU, please contact [mailto:reception@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk CBU reception] to ask them to book the machine for you.

For details about how to simulate scanner pulses, or other issues relating to the CBU Mimic, contact the [mailto:technical@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk technical support staff]. Note, that should you require any programs to be installed that are not already available, you should ask [mailto:gary.chandler@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk Gary Chandler] to install this for you, rather than doing it yourself.

At this point you should mention any non-standard equipment or paradigms to radiographers, in case these need to be approved for the scanner, or the paradigms require the presence of a physicist to run them (this is not necessary for standard protocols). Contact [mailto:radiographers@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk the radiographers] with these details.

Piloting your program on the CBU Scanner

(at least a few days before scanning). It is also highly recommended that you book some time at the CBU Scanner to install and test your program onsite. You should contact LucilleMurby about booking a 15 minute pilot slot, and to request whether you need the radiographers to generate any scanner pulses. Note that it is possible to generate simulated pulses, via the panel in the computer cupboard in the corner. There are three stimulus PCs permanently available in the scanner room. You should ask the radiographers about how to switch between PCs if this is unclear. Be sure to fully test your program, including its interaction with scanner pulses and with the button box if required, as well as the correct presentation of stimuli. For more information on stimulus presentation in the CBU scanner, visit [:CbuStimulusDelivery:here]. Remember to install your program and store your data on the D drive, as the C drive is wiped and refreshed every month with a new image. This is also a good time to tell the radiographers who you are, what slots you will be scanning with whom, and under what CBU Scanner protocol number. In addition, you should mention any non-standard equipment or paradigms, in case these need to be approved for the scanner, or the paradigms require the presence of a physicist to run them (this is not necessary for standard protocols). If any problems are unable to be resolved during the pilot session/s then the main scanning slots (if booked at this point) need to be reviewed and possibly re-allocated.

None: RunningStudiesComputing (last edited 2013-03-08 10:21:22 by localhost)