OpenDatasetsCBU - Methods

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location: OpenDatasetsCBU

Open Datasets at the CBU

This page will contain a list of Open Datasets available at the CBU. This is still work in progress.

No license required

Multisubject, multimodal face processing
Author(s): Dan Wakeman & Rik Henson
Available from:
CBU Contact: RikHenson

Registration required

The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN).
Large-scale dataset with epidemiological, cognitive, and neuroimaging data to understand how individuals can best retain cognitive abilities into old age.
Authors: Cam-CAN consortium at University of Cambridge
Available from:
CBU Location: on request, following registration (see information on web-page
CBU Contact: <NO-camcan-manager AT mrc-cbu DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk>

UK Biobank.
Large-scale biomedical database and research resource, containing in-depth genetic and health information from half a million UK participants.
Available from:
CBU Location: via Department of Psychiatry,
Contact: <rb643 AT medschl DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk>

Open datasets at Department of Psychiatry.
Licenses need to be obtained on a case-by-case basis.
Available from:
Contact: <rb643 AT medschl DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk>

MEG-UK Partnership multi-site MEG data.
Licenses need to be obtained on a case-by-case basis.
Conditions and contact to obtain permission: README.TXT
CBU contact: OlafHauk.

HCP Baby Connectome Project.
Data from 500 participants ranging in age from birth to 5 years of age.
Access to the data can be requested via
Further Information
CBU Contacts: <alexa DOT mousely AT mrc-cbu DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk>, <duncan DOT astle AT mrc-cbu DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk>