MethodsGroupMeeetings - Methods
Self: MethodsGroupMeeetings

Methods Group Meetings

Thursday 14:00 pm, CBU west wing seminar room unless otherwise stated.

Meetings currently planned in 2009

  • 30 Apr - MEG Masterclass Session 7. Interpretation of source solutions PRACTICAL

  • 16 Apr - MEG Masterclass Session 6. Source solutions PRACTICAL

  • 02 Apr - MEG Masterclass Session 5. Source reconstruction – assumptions THEORY

  • 05 Mar - MEG Masterclass Session 4. ICA THEORY / PRACTICAL

  • 26 Feb - MEG Masterclass Session 3. RMS then Contrast OR Contrast then RMS THEORY

  • 19 Feb - MEG Masterclass Session 2. 3D sensor SPMs PRACTICAL

  • 12 Feb - MEG Masterclass Session 1. Pre-processing PRACTICAL

MEG Masterclass 2-4pm THEORY in the Seminar Room PRACTICAL in the Computer Users Room

[attachment:MEGMasterClass2009.pdf MEG Masterclass detailed schedule]

Meetings in the past

  • 15 Jan - Journal club on the paper '[attachment:VulVoodoo2009.pdf Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience]' by Edward Vul, Christine Harris, Piotr Winkielman, & Harold Pashler

  • 20 Nov - John Dunn - 'Models of recognition memory: A state-trace analysis' The present paper addresses the current debate between univariate and bivariate models of recognition memory. Univariate models propose that a recognition decision is based on evaluation of a single strength-of-evidence dimension while bivariate models propose that the decision is based on the separate combination of two dimensions, often labeled as recollection and familiarity. Both of these models fit existing experimental data well and a definitive test has not yet been forthcoming. I apply state-trace analysis to this question and evaluate the crucial point that if the bivariate model is correct, there should be evidence of bidimensionality in the data. I report the results of four experiments and a meta-analysis of 37 published experiments which yield little or no evidence of bidimensionality. I conclude that the univariate model provides a consistent and parsimonious account of recognition memory and discuss the general application of state-trace analysis to other similar issues in memory, judgment and decision making.

  • 6 Nov - Various Local MEG Gurus - 'MEG Data Analysis Support Session' Your chance to ask questions about the issues that bug you around analysing data from MEG studies.

  • 30 Oct - Sharon Wang - 'DSI-Studio demonstration'

  • 16 Oct - Rik Henson - 'DCM for fMRI and MEG/EEG'

  • 10 July - Journal club on paper by Y. Iturria-Medina et al. 'Characterizing brain anatomical connections using diffusion weighted MRI and graph theory', Neuroimage 36(3). For those with permissions it's on the wiki at under 'Tractography'. They use graph theory (but not 'graphical models') probabilistic structural maps and Diffusion Weighted Imaging to look at probabilistic anatomical connectivity maps.

  • 1 July - Tips for EEG MEG MRI data collection: because you only collect the data once. - DanielWakeman

  • 23 June - Discussion on the different methods that have been used to identify DTI fibre tracks and to measure DTI connectivity between regions - JohnGriffiths (See

  • 21 February - Methods Group Strategy: IanNimmoSmith, ChristianSchwarzbauer and MatthewBrett

  • 14 February - Code Version Control: MatthewBrett

  • 31 January - OS Scripting in Python: MatthewBrett

  • 24 January - Detecting and handling bad MEG channels: OlafHauk and KambizTavabi

  • 17 January - CC Chen (FIL, London): DCM for induced EEG/MEG responses - MeetingDcmMegChen

  • 13 December - TBA
  • 6 December - discussion on MEG analysis pipeline
  • 29 November - journal club on cortical surface modeling - MeetingCorticalSurfaces - IanNimmoSmith

  • 22 November - discussion of methods group strategy
  • 15 November - DTI discussion and journal club - MeetingTbssDti - MatthewBrett

  • 18 October: Journal club on DTI methods - [:UsingThisWiki:authorized] Cambridge users see DiffusionTensorPapers - IanNimmoSmith

  • 23 August - Spin Echo fMRI - ChristianSchwarzbauer

  • 9 August: Differences between MEG and EEG; MeetingMegEeg; OlafHauk, OlegKorzyukov

  • 2 August: How to be a better programmer: MeetingProgramming; MatthewBrett

  • 26 July: Journal club, Power in voxel lesion mapping; MeetingVoxelPower; IanNimmoSmith

  • 20 July (provisional) High-resolution FMRI, and current options at the CBU - ChristianSchwarzbauer

  • 13 July: Getting going with MEG - GettingGoingWithMeg - DannyMitchell, OlafHauk

  • 6 July: SPM clinic - MatthewBrett

  • 28 June: Introduction and motivation for NIPY (neuroimaging in python) - MeetingNipy - MatthewBrett

  • 21 June: Review methods talks / abstracts from HBM2007 - [:UsingThisWiki:authorized] Cambridge users see MeetingHbm2007

  • 14 June: No meeting, HBM conference
  • 7 June: Multivariate journal club - [:UsingThisWiki:authorized] Cambridge users see MultivariateJournalPapers - IanNimmoSmith

  • 1 June (NOTE this is a Friday rather than a Thursday): Talk, Said Boujraf, Ultra fast BOLD fMRI Using Single Shot Spin-Echo EPI With SENSE at 3 Tesla. See SaidBoujrafAbstract.

  • 24 May: Writing organizing and sharing software - introductory talk and discussion of how best to share software within the CBU and with other labs: MeetingSharingSoftware - MatthewBrett

  • 17 May: Whence methods? - information gathering about current and future methods support and development - IanNimmoSmith

  • 10 May: Discussion of diffusion analysis - MatthewBrett

None: MethodsGroupMeeetings (last edited 2009-01-30 19:25:17 by IanNimmoSmith)