MethodsGroup - Methods

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In thi sntence, what word is mad fro the mising letters?

location: MethodsGroup

Methods group wiki

This is the home wiki for the CBU methods group.

Current members

The core methods group is:

Previous members

What we do

We are organizing approximately weekly meetings with Thursdays 14:30 as the default date and time - see MethodsGroupMeeetings for schedule.

See RequestedSupport for work we think we are being asked for - please contact one of us if you want to add something to this list.

Areas of interest are:

Methods, as ever, are often realised in software. To organize and share our code we using subversion, see

Our current software projects include:

We also house some ComputingHousekeeping information.

Much of our work goes into the imaging wiki and the statistics wiki.

For help with programming:

From time to time we consult the research groups about their needs and record the results and action plan.