MeetingTbssDti - Methods

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location: MeetingTbssDti

TBSS journal club and DTI discussion

Led by Virginia Newcombe and Guy Williams - Addenbrookes.

For paper see TbssPaper (Cambridge wiki permissions needed).

Stephen M. Smith, Mark Jenkinson, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Daniel Rueckert, Thomas E. Nichols, Clare E. Mackay, Kate E. Watkins, Olga Ciccarelli, M. Zaheer Cader, Paul M. Matthews and Timothy E.J. Behrens, Tract-based spatial statistics: Voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data, NeuroImage Volume 31, Issue 4, , 15 July 2006, Pages 1487-1505. ( Keywords: Diffusion imaging; DTI; Fractional anisotropy; FA; Morphometry; VBM
