LoadSharingScripts - Methods

Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name
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location: LoadSharingScripts

Working on loadsharing scripts

Subversion repository

At: http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/svn/loadsharing/loadsharing/trunk

For example, to check out a working copy of the development code:

svn co http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/svn/loadsharing/loadsharing/trunk loadsharing

Then edit some file.


svn commit -m 'A comment'


cd loadsharing; svn update

to get the latest repository data into your working copy in the loadsharing subdirectory.

To put the code up on the imaging filesystem (on an imaging machine):

cd loadsharing/scripts
python upload_loadshare.py
