ImagingWebPages - Methods
location: ImagingWebPages

Notes towards restructuring of CBU Imaging related web pages

Open Meeting 15 February 2008

Attendance: MatthewBrett, SallyButterfield, OlafHauk, LucilleMurby, IanNimmoSmith, YuryShtyrov, JasonTaylor


  • MRI Administration

    MRI administration matters were mainly on the MRI Facility wiki but some, e.g. RunningStudies are on the ImagingWiki.

    Action: MatthewBrett will liaise with LucilleMurby to transfer these pages over to the MRI facility wiki.

  • Signposting from the front page

    • Main Imaging link to be removed

    • New Research Facilities link to be added leading to a page where

      • MR Scanning Facility
      • MEG Laboratory
      • EEG Laboratory
      • Speech and Language Processing Facilities
      • Psychophysiology Laboratory
      are briefly outlined, and
      • Participating in research (i.e. becoming a volunteer)

      is a link to be added. Redundant intermediate pages are to be eliminated.

    Action: IanNimmoSmith to liaise with JessicaGrahn, and with the respective owners of the facilities web pages to which these items will be linked.

  • Searching searching from the main website should also include results on the imaging wikis.

    Action: IanNimmoSmith to liaise with JessicaGrahn.

Update 2 April 2008

  • Update: The Imaging link has been replaced by Imaging Analysis. This leads, via a further hop, to the CBU Imaging wiki.

  • Update: The Research Facilities link has been added. It leads to information on the following list of facilities:

    Update: VlastaMalinek has liaised with the University of Cambridge Computng Service and now searches from the main website also list hits in the CBU Imaging wiki. The facility has been extended to allow for further web page areas to be specified for inclusion in searches. (A feature of MoinMoin, or perhaps an infelicity in relation to searches, is that two versions of each page will be listed as hits with respect to any search.)

None: ImagingWebPages (last edited 2013-03-08 10:28:25 by localhost)