CodeSnippet - Methods

Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name
Type the odd letters out: ONlY twO thinGs aRE infiNite

location: CodeSnippet

''' Run models on ROI data '''

import os

import numpy as N
from scipy import io as sio
import scipy.sandbox.models as SSM
import scipy.interpolate as SI

from neuroimaging.modalities.fmri import protocol
from neuroimaging.modalities.fmri import hrf
from neuroimaging.modalities.fmri import functions

data_file = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'roi_data.mat')
roi_data = sio.loadmat(data_file)['roi_data']

# Specify type of linear model to estimate
model_type = SSM.regression.ar_model
ar_rho = 3
ar_niter = 6

# Specify drift term for all models
drift_window = (0,256)
drift_df = 7
drift = functions.SplineConfound(df=drift_df,
drift_term = protocol.ExperimentalQuantitative(

analyses = {}
for sb in range(roi_data.shape[0]):
    analyses[sb] = {}
    for ss in range(roi_data.shape[1]):
        data = roi_data[sb, ss]
        onsets = data.ons
        tr = data.TR
        y = data.y
        movements = data.movements
        # Adust onsets to seconds
        onsets *= tr
        # Create time vector
        T = N.arange(len(y)) * tr
        # Make event factor
        flashes = zip(['flash']*len(onsets), onsets)
        flash_factor = protocol.ExperimentalFactor('flash',
        # Add movements by providing interpolator
        moves_interpolator = functions.InterpolatedConfound(T, movements.T)
        movement_term = protocol.ExperimentalQuantitative(
        # Add factor, moves and drift term to model
        formula = flash_factor + movement_term + drift_term
        # Calculate design from model and time vector
        design = formula(time=T).T
        # Estimate design on time series data
        model = model_type(design, rho=ar_rho)
        result = model.iterative_fit(y, niter=ar_niter)
        analyses[sb][ss] = {'model': model,
                            'result': result}