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In thi sntence, what word is mad fro the mising letters?

location: SpmDemoOld

(Old) Single-subject demo

There are two demos (on the same datafile) for 1) left vs right hand evoked responses, and 2) faces vs scrambled faces evoked (and induced) responses.

Here is a step-by-step, hand-holding example for Demo 1: README.txt

Here is a batch script for doing Demo 2 (and Demo 1): spm5_cbu_meg_batch.m

You will also need to download the structural for this subject, together with a mat file coding the subject's fiducials (in MRI space) and some text files coding the event-types. This is in the winzipped CBUMegDemo.tar.gz

For those outside the CBU, you can download the MEG data from http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/~rh01/raw.fif Note that this "raw.fif" file has already been passed through Maxfilter, so you don't need to run that step