IntroductionEEGMEG - Meg Wiki

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location: IntroductionEEGMEG


Introduction to EEG/MEG

Lectures given at the pre-conference workshop of the 7th Annual MEGUK2013 conference

Wednesday, 9 January 2013, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

"EEG/MEG signals and their measurement"

(Olaf Hauk


Jason Taylor

"Forward Modelling"

Matti Stenroos

"Source Estimation"

Olaf Hauk

"Statistical Analysis"

Jason Taylor

"Multi-Modal Integration"

Rik Henson

"Time-Frequency Analysis"

Alex Clarke

"Connectivity Analysis"

Rik Henson

"Multi-Variate Analysis"

Li Su

Please visit our Wiki pages for more information, e.g. for an Introduction to EEG/MEG page.