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location: EventsEvents

Recent MEG Events 2008

MEG Show and Clinic (10/11/2008):

This was a very strong line-up and we are proud that within no time our MEG community has developed from a handful of pioneers to a group of respectable size. 20 studies have been completed and a few of them with remarkable results already! And this is only slightly over a year after the lab started to become functional.

The presentations included information about the following points:

  • general research question
  • design and experimental procedures
  • level of resources used (number slots, subjects)
  • major steps of data analysis, along with any problems and solutions
  • current state thereof and next steps.

Here is a link to the MEG Show and Clinic schedule: MEG_Schedule1.doc

This event was a great success and the feedback proved that this was very beneficial for all researchers to share best practice within the lab.

The MEG Management Committee will keep everyone posted on further events leading on from this. ;-)