AnalyzingData - Meg Wiki

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Revision 14 as of 2007-05-02 17:35:14

location: AnalyzingData

Analyzing data

Like much else here, this is work in progress. We hope to expand this page soon.

There are many options for analysis of MEG data from our machine. There is the Neuromag software that comes with the machine; there are commercial packages (eg CURRY, BESA), for which we have some licences; and there are several freeware packages, such as Fieldtrip, MNE, and SPM. You can get some general feeling from the [attachment:MEGAnalysisLectureJan07CBU.pdf CBU introductory lecture into MEG analysis] (the slides do not include the live software demos given at the lecture).

The Neuromag software consists of several separate programs. We have two HP workstations on which these programs run fine. We also have pre-release versions that run under Linux (Redhat4), and these are currently installed on l21 only (in time, we hope to roll out onto the other Linux Boxes). For more details, see NeurmagAnalysis.

For other options, try the links below (to be expanded):

BR NeurmagAnalysis

BR SpmAnalysis

BR ReadingDataInMatlab