AnalyzingData/MNE_prepare - Meg Wiki

Revision 3 as of 2012-07-13 12:46:30

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location: AnalyzingData / MNE_prepare

In order to use MNE, you have to run the setup command:

mne_setup_2.6.0, mne_setup_2.7.1_32bit, or mne_setup_2.7.3_32bit

for Versions 2.6, 2.7.1. or 2.7.3, respectively.

For most operations, MNE expects that the environment variable SUBJECTS_DIR is set, e.g.

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /mydatadirectory/MRIs

and in some cases also the SUBJECT variable:

setenv SUBJECT /mydatadirectory/Subject1

MNE Version 2.6

If you want to use the MNE Matlab toolbox on a regular basis, you should add the line

  • run /imaging/local/linux/mne_2.6.0/mne/matlab/toolbox/mne_setup_toolbox.m

to your startup.m file.

If you run mne_setup_2.6.0 before starting Matlab, it will automatically add the paths to the MNE tools.

MNE Version 2.7

Add the following to your Matlab startup.m file:

%---------------------- MNE --------------------------%
mnehome = getenv('MNE_ROOT');
mnematlab = sprintf('%s/share/matlab',mnehome);
if (exist(mnematlab) == 7)
clear mnehome mnematlab;

If you run the MNE setup script before starting Matlab, it will automatically add the paths to the MNE tools.