WhatToDoAboutWebPages - MRC CBU Language Wiki
location: WhatToDoAboutWebPages

Here's a tentative suggestion for some text to follow the existing paragraph on the language gp research web pages (http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/research/speech-language). The idea behind this is simply to give visitors to the web-site a general orientation. As the disclaimer in the text says, this is not definitive, so please don't obsess about it. We want a pragmatic solution, and we want it quickly.

The main decision here is whether we need to add more topics/different descriptions, and how deep down the structure we need to go as far as mentioning people is concerned. If we go all the way to grads this will be a mess. As for other scientists/visitors, I strongly suggest that, if we include them, they only go under one category. I think we shouldn't have more than 6-8 topics otherwise this will undermine the purpose of a brief orientation. I suppose one other question is what we link this to. People can be linked to their home pages, but topics is harder as some don't really exist.

I have put this on the language wiki so people can make edits/suggestions there rather than sending round endless emails. (Obviously the formatting will end up in the CBU web style).




Here is a list of some of the topics we work on, along with the scientists who's main research focus is on these topics. The collabourative nature of our research programme means that most of us do at least some work on most of these topics. See our people pages for a complete listing of the members of the Speech and Language Group


The mental lexicon: the structure of lexical representations (morphology/semantics)

Boudelaa Davis, Marslen-Wilson, Pulvermuller.

Speech recognition

Davis, Norris, Pulvermuller



Short-term memory

Norris, Davis,

EEG (electroencephalography)/ MEG (magnetoencephalography)

Pulvermuller, Hauk, Shtyrov



-- Main.DennisNorris - 09 Mar 2009