Equipment - MRC CBU Language Wiki
location: Equipment

CBU Speech & Language Group Equipment

Language Lab (448):

  • Room 448 in West Wing has three sound-damped booths for S&LG use. However, Booth 1, nearest the door, should not be used until discussed with Yury Shtyrov, MEG Co-ordinator.

  • The booths are booked via the CBU Homepage Administration

  • Always backup your data after testing.
  • Maarten van Casteren manages these testing machines.

  • EPrimeVersionUpdate


Hardware for recording:

  • 2 high quality microphones and 2 high quality pre-amps
  • various other microphones
  • Compact Flash recorder - Marantz Solid State PMD670
  • Compact, solid state, digital recorders: M-Audio and Sony
  • BelkinFlashcardReader: necessary for transferring audio recordings to encrypted computers

  • 1 HHB<nop>PortaDAT (compact machine, designed for portability, kept primarily for archival purposes)

  • 1 CD player (portable, Sony"boom box" w/ speakers)
  • 2 Minidisc recorder/players (one for rack, one palm-sized) for archival purposes.
  • 1 stereo amp and speakers for group presentation etc.

Portable Computers

We have several Dell laptop computers available for borrowing: contact Sally Butterfield for access in the first instance.

  • The laptops are encrypted and intended primarily for testing done by the Speech & Language Group.

  • Please plan ahead and arrange your booking by sending an email to sally.butterfield or referring to the booking sheets in the Speech Lab.
  • Check that the appropriate software is available on the machine you borrow. The laptops have very limited writing capabilities - no Word documents; you can only view, not write, in Excel, etc. To make files writable, you need to transfer them to the CBU network.

  • Installation of licensed software is done by the Computing Staff; PLAN AHEAD.
  • Don't assume that previous versions of software will be kept on the laptops; it may be upgraded and replaced.
  • If using a particular version of s/ware is important, ask Computing Staff whether it can be backed-up for later use.

Advance Notice of Need to borrow laptops

  • To avoid shortages, it is helpful to know when you hope to use a laptop(s).

The table below is "under construction"

  • Fill in your request by editing this table: click the "Edit" button below and use pull-down menu to select a laptop, etc.
  • This table uses drop-down menus, but the calendar function only works with IE - not Firefox!!! - You can even click the column headings to sort the table


ButtonBoxes - we have several button boxes for parallel ports.


Comparison between different kinds of display screen

This article is the most useful I've seen on this CRT/LCD comparison - Dennis

Another article about LCD displays

CbuLanguage: Equipment (last edited 2013-08-01 17:50:04 by RussellThompson)