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Automating SPM2 Analyses

SPM2 PET analyses can be automated using the CBU CSV modfications to the standard interface for setting up the required SPM statistical design.

Download the file cbu_csv2_ui.m, put it somewhere in your Matlab run path, and run it from the Matlab command window:

>> cbu_csv2_ui;

This utility is a modified version of the SPM2 PET interface (spm_spm_ui.m) for specifying the design and image file locations in a PET study.

The utility automates the stages of specifying group, subject, condition, replicate and covariate information by preparing a text file in advance and then telling SPM2 to read from this file. Alternatively, you can use the utility to create a re-usable text file named design.csv in the requisite format after you have set up a design in the standard point-click-type interface.

I have found this facility useful for running multiple 'what if' analyses - seeing what the effect is of dropping a subject, or a condition, or adding an extra covariate, etc. etc., at the cost of a few edits to a text file.

Documentation is in CbuCsv2Details.

Let me know if you have any problems or comments.

Updated by IanNimmoSmith on 5 September 2006.