MricroPoints - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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location: MricroPoints

Displaying points using MRIcro

MriCro has a hidden feature that allows you to display points on chosen slices of a brain image. Load the brain image. Go to the Options menu, and select the slices you want to display the points on in the multislice options:

Right click on the Multislice button:

You will get the following dialog box:

Click OK, and then select the text file with the points you want to show. Note that the text file must be in DOS format, with CR/LF line endings; use the unix2dos utility to convert text files in Unix format if necessary. Here is an example text file with insula points:

--- Text file contents follows ---
-35     -3      -2      1       1       255
35      -11     9       2       1       65280
-38     -3      9       2       1       65280
-38     6       4       2       1       65280
-40     6       -2      2       1       65280
-35     -3      -2      2       1       65280
-35     0       2       3       1       65280
-43     8       3       3       1       65280
35      -11     -2      4       1       16711680
38      -6      4       4       1       16711680
35      31      9       4       1       16711680
46      11      9       4       1       16711680
-32     22      15      4       1       16711680
--- previous line is last line of text file ---

This file displays selected points from an meta-analysis of insula activation. Here is the output on a standard 1mm template with the slices as shown in the options:

Matthew Brett 18 Dec 2002