Introduction_to_fMRI_2010 - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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location: Introduction_to_fMRI_2010

Introduction to fMRI methods, March / April 2010

All talks take place at 10.00am on Tuesday mornings in the Lecture Theatre:

2nd March - Spatial pre-processing (Russell Thompson) (slides - Intro_fMRI_2010_01_preprocessing.pdf , workshop handout - intro_fMRI_2010_01_workshop.pdf )

9th March - Single subject analysis using the general linear model (Russell Thompson) (slides - Intro_fMRI_2010_02_GLM.pdf , workshop handout - intro_fMRI_2010_02_workshop.pdf )

16th March - Introduction to multi-voxel pattern analysis (Alex Woolgar) (slides: Intro_fMRI_2010_03_MVPA.pdf )

23rd March - Live demonstration of the aa batch system (Rhodri Cusack) (aa wiki page)

13th April - Introduction to functional connectivity analysis (James Rowe)

20th April - Introduction to diffusion tensor imaging (Marta Correia)

(2011 talks >)