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IIG Schedule Autumn 2009




fMRI proposal

Rule neglect in Parkinson's disease


Ellemarije Altena and James Rowe

fMRI proposal

Action selection in Parkinson's disease

Ellemarije Altena and James Rowe


fMRI proposal

Auditory cues and the processing of eye gaze

Raliza Stoyanova, Michael Ewbank and Andy Calder


MEG proposal

MEG correlates of word processing in visual mismatch negativity

Yury Shtyrov


fMRI proposal

Hierarchical cognitive control and the PFC

Ausaf Farooqui, Russell Thompson, John Duncan

fMRI proposal

Imaging studies of females with Conduct Disorder

Cindy Hagan, Graeme Fairchild, Andy Calder, Ian Goodyer, Luca Passamonti, Michael Ewbank and Dean Mobbs

EEG/MEG proposal

Cutting out the middle man: Can eye blinks reveal the early stages of word processing?

Olaf Hauk, Yuanyuan Chen, Caroline Coutout


fMRI+MEG proposal

fMRI and EEG/MEG correlates of pre-retrieval memory processes

Zara Bergstrom, Rik Henson, Jon Simons

fMRI proposal

Effective connectivity in the face processing network during fMRI-adaptation

Michael Ewbank, Rik Henson & Andy Calder


fMRI proposal

Differential representation of current vs prospective task

Ausaf A Farooqui, Russell Thompson, John Duncan

fMRI proposal

Further Fractionating Source Memory

Jon Simons, Valerie Brandt, Zara Bergstrom, Rik Henson


Introduction to imaging, MRI and MEG WIKIs

Rhodri, Marta, Olaf



Using monkey fMRI to depict reward value neuronal correlates

Dr. Bechir Jarraya

fMRI proposal

Improving the Definition of MD Cortex

Ben Crittenden and John Duncan

fMRI proposal

Cognitive, genetic and neuroimaging studies of Parkinson's Disease: the Influence of H1/H2 haplotype

Sophie Winder-Rhodes, Adam Hampshire, Adrian Owen, Roger Barker



Multivariate Pattern Analysis

fMRI proposal

Flexible representation of task-relevant information in frontoparietal cortex

Mark Stokes, Russell Thompson, John Duncan


Talk (30mins)

Sensor & Source Space Statistics in M/EEG

Rik Henson


fMRI proposal

Neural signatures of Task Assembly and Goal Neglect

Apoorva Bhandari, John Duncan


fMRI proposal

Motor cortex and number processing

Nadja Tschentscher, Olaf Hauk, Friedemann Pulvermüller, Martin Fischer


MEG Proposal

MEG correlates of attention effects on spoken word processing

Yury Shtyrov