DesigningStudies - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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location: DesigningStudies

Designing studies

There are many important issues that need to be considered when designing an fMRI experiment, at many different levels.

General principles

  • DesignBasics - some ideas on asking the right kinds of scientific questions with fMRI

  • DesignEfficiency - considerations on how to construct an imaging experiment that has sufficient power

  • List of Databases for stimulus selection, evaluation, and other tools

Choosing your MRI acquisition

You'll probably use our default MRI sequences. However, you might want to use another protocol (for example, to change the number of slices) but you must discuss it with the Radiographers. If you're doing anything exotic, you should also contact the Physicists (Marta, Stefan or Rhodri).

Useful tips

Try the student forum for helpful tips