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WHat wOrd is made by the captiaL lettErs?

location: Connectivity_Analysis


You can download a copy of Charlotte and Emma's talks here: DCM.ppt, connectivity.pptx

Web Resources

Below is a list of web resources used in the talk



  • CBU's Connectivity Interest Group. In particular, see Rik’s and James’ talks (“Introduction to DCM”; “Advanced DCM”)

SPM Manual

  • SPM Manual,pg 299-312.



J.B. Rowe, L.E. Hughes, R.A. Barker,& A.M. Owen (2010). Dynamic causal modelling of effective connectivity from fMRI: Are results reproducible and sensitive to Parkinson's disease and its treatment? Neuroimage, 52(3): 1015–1026.

Rowe et al. (2002) Attention to action in Parkinson’s disease: impaired effective connectivity among frontal cortical regions. Brain, 125:276-289


The original DCM paper
Friston KJ, Harrison L, Penny W, (2003). Dynamic causal modelling.Neuroimage,19(4):1273-302.
PMID: 12948688

Stephan KE, Penny WD, Moran RJ, et al.,(2010).Ten simple rules for dynamic causal modeling. Neuroimage, 15;49(4):3099-109.
PMID: 19914382

Example Applications of DCM

Ewbank, M., Lawson, R., Henson, R.N., Rowe, J., Passamonti, L. & Calder, C. (2011). Changes in 'top-down' connectivity underlie repetition suppression in the ventral visual pathway. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 5635-5642.
PMID: 21490204

Rowe J. B., Hughes L. E., Barker R. A., Owen A. M. (2010). Dynamic causal modelling of effective connectivity from fMRI: are results reproducible and sensitive to Parkinson's disease and its treatment? Neuroimage 52, 1015–1026. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.12.080.
PMID: 20056151