BasisBOLDSignal - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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In thi sntence, what word is mad fro the mising letters?

location: BasisBOLDSignal

Basis of the BOLD Signal

You can download a copy of Rachel and Natalia's talk here: Basis_of_BOLD.ppt

Web Resources

Below is a list of web resources used in the talk

Vascular/synaptic basis of BOLD

Explanation of T1 + T2

fMRI Design and Analysis

  • Another good physics paper – good overall explanation of fMRI


  • A good site for beginners with a comprehensive overview of many issues related to fMRI – plus brain anatomy!

MRI animations

  • User-friendly animations of the fMRI process can be found in “MRI: a guided tour”!


  • A useful glossary of MRI/fMRI concepts.


Neurophysiological investigation of the basis of the fMRI signal.
N K Logothetis, J Pauls, M Augath, T Trinath, A Oeltermann (2001) Nature 412 (6843) p. 150-7