AfterFirstscan - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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WHat wOrd is made by the captiaL lettErs?

location: AfterFirstscan

You have just scanned your first ever subject and don't quite know what to do next. The following information will be useful:

1. Where is my data?

All the data from the CBU scanner is placed in //mridata/cbu/

To find your data there, you need to know:
a) The ScanningNumber for a particular subject. (something like CBU090XYZ - ask the Radiographers)
b) The ProjectNumber (something like MR09XYZ - ask Marion)

//mridata/cbu/ will contain a folder with the name ScanNumber_ProjectNumber, which will contain another folder called YYYYMMDD_??????, which, in turn, will contain one folder each for your different sequences. The Dicom files for each sequence are within their respective folders.

2. Can I copy it to my Home?

No. Your home is restricted to 10 GB and your scanning-related data will soon exceed that. In fact, as a general rule, you should not copy your raw data anywhere. You should just access it from //mridata/cbu/. Its quite safe there and is backed up in two different locations for additional security.

However, any additional data generated from your analysis needs to be stored somewhere. For most imaging purposes, you should use the imaging space. You need to be labelled as an 'imager' in order to get access to the imaging space. For this, contact IT.