GettingApproval - CBU Base Wiki

Please enter your password of your account at the remote wiki below.
/!\ You should trust both wikis because the password could be read by the particular administrators.

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location: GettingApproval

Getting an approved login

If you want to edit pages, or want to see the pages with special permissions on the wiki farm, please make yourself a login. Make absolutely sure your chosen login name is a WikiWord, otherwise it will be difficult to give you permissions. See the WikiWord page for details. For example, my login is MatthewBrett, and Ian Nimmo-Smith's login is IanNimmoSmith.

To make a login, use the UserPreferences page.

After you have made a login, to get approval, you need to send your new username to RhodriCusack - see UsingThisWiki. If you can't see anything on the wiki, email RhodriCusack.

To make a home page, see MakingHomePages