Amy Scouten
I work at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge, as a postdoctoral associate in MR physics with Dr. Christian Schwarzbauer. Our research focuses on improvements in fMRI methodology. My doctoral research, completed September 2007 at Yale University in Biomedical Engineering, was supervised by Dr. R. Todd Constable, and focused on the optimization and application of whole-brain cerebral blood volume functional MRI.
Refereed Publications:
1. Scouten, A., Constable, R.T. (Accepted Sept. 3, 2007) VASO-based Calculations of CBV Change: Accounting for the Dynamic CSF Volume. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 8 pages. DOI 10.1002/mrm.21427.
2. Scouten, A., Constable, R.T. (2007) Applications and Limitations of Whole-Brain MAGIC VASO Functional Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 58:306-315.
3. Scouten, A., Papademetris, X., and Constable, R.T. (2006) Spatial Resolution, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and Smoothing in Multi-Subject Functional MRI Studies. NeuroImage. 30:787-793.
Conference Proceedings:
1. Scouten, A., Constable, R.T. (2007) Incorporating the dynamic CSF fraction into VASO-based calculations of CBV change. ISMRM Workshop on Cerebral Perfusion and Brain Function: Novel Techniques & Applications, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
2. Scouten, A., Constable, R.T. (2007) Applications and Limitations of Whole-Brain MAGIC VASO Functional Imaging. Fifteenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, Germany. p. 29.
3. Scouten, A., Constable, R.T. (2007) Dynamic CSF Fraction and MAGIC VASO fMRI. 33rd Annual Northeast Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Stony Brook, New York.
4. R. Todd Constable, Amy Scouten, Jed Meltzer, Xenios Papademetris. (2004) Spatial Resolution, Signal-to-Noise Ratios, and Smoothing in Multi-Subject fMRI. Presented as poster at 10th Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary.