AlejandroVicenteGrabovetsky - CBU Base Wiki

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In thi sntence, what word is mad fro the mising letters?

location: AlejandroVicenteGrabovetsky

Alejandro Vicente-Grabovetsky

Email: <Alejandro.Vicente-Grabovetsky AT SPAMFREE mrc-cbu DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk>

Contributions (wiki pages):

A program template created by RhodriCusack and partly documented by me:


A reference manager using BibTeX:


A freeware WYSIWYM (what you see is what you mean) document editor that can be described as a front-end for LaTeX:


A script, originally designed by Ferath, to print out SPM results. Small updates and options (load contrast names from file, create or ignore 'empty' results) to the script added the AAL labelling originally made by MirjanaBozic:


Personal Page:

Für Elys
