Diff for "IntroductionNeuroimagingLectures" - Methods
location: Diff for "IntroductionNeuroimagingLectures"
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Editor: MartaCorreia
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Editor: MartaCorreia
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||<rowstyle="mso-height-source:userset"height="40px" class="xl72" style="border-top:none;text-align:right">10:00 ||<class="xl75" style="border-top:none;border-left:none"> ||<width="145px" class="xl85" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''MRI Physics I''' <<BR>> Marta Correia <<BR>> ~-This talk will cover the basic principles of MRI physics for beginners, including excitation and relaxation mechanisms, slice selective gradients, frequency and phase encoding, image formation and k-space.-~ ||<width="145px" class="xl85" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''Introduction to Diffusion MRI''' <<BR>> Marta Correia <<BR>> ~-This workshop will cover the basic principles of diffusion MRI acquisition and data analysis.-~ ||<width="145px" class="xl82" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''fMRI Analysis I - pre-processing''' <<BR>> Johan Carlin ||<width="145px" class="xl82" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''fMRI Analysis III - Group Statistics''' <<BR>> Johan Carlin ||<width="145px" class="xl80" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''Graph Theory''' <<BR>> Sarah Morgan || ||<rowstyle="mso-height-source:userset"height="40px" class="xl72" style="border-top:none;text-align:right">10:00 ||<class="xl75" style="border-top:none;border-left:none"> ||<width="145px" class="xl85" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''[[attachment:MRPhysicsI_2018|MRI Physics I]]''' <<BR>> Marta Correia <<BR>> ~-This talk will cover the basic principles of MRI physics for beginners, including excitation and relaxation mechanisms, slice selective gradients, frequency and phase encoding, image formation and k-space.-~ ||<width="145px" class="xl85" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''Introduction to Diffusion MRI''' <<BR>> Marta Correia <<BR>> ~-This workshop will cover the basic principles of diffusion MRI acquisition and data analysis.-~ ||<width="145px" class="xl82" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''fMRI Analysis I - pre-processing''' <<BR>> Johan Carlin ||<width="145px" class="xl82" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''fMRI Analysis III - Group Statistics''' <<BR>> Johan Carlin ||<width="145px" class="xl80" style="border-top:none;text-align:center" |2>'''Graph Theory''' <<BR>> Sarah Morgan ||

Introduction to Neuroimaging Methods

Lectures and Workshops

Lectures and workshops will take place in January and February 2018 in the CBU West Wing Seminar Room (unless stated otherwise, please check below). They are structured in three blocks: MRI (Jan 15-17), fMRI and Connectivity (Feb 13-15), as well as EEG/MEG and Multimodal Imaging (Feb 19-23). Workshops usually take about 2 hours, lectures may be shorter.

Details will be announced before individual events via this mailing list: http://lists.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/skillstraining (Non-CBU people can subscribe by sending an e-mail to skillstraining-subscribe (at) mrc-cbu (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk).

We expect attendees to have basic skills in scientific computing and programming, e.g. at the level taught in our previous workshops. It might help to refresh your memories a little bit.

Look here for other training opportunities in and around Cambridge.

Please contact OlafHauk with questions and feedback.


(f)MRI and Connectivity

Jan 15

Jan 16

Jan 17

Feb 13

Feb 14

Feb 15


MRI Physics I
Marta Correia
This talk will cover the basic principles of MRI physics for beginners, including excitation and relaxation mechanisms, slice selective gradients, frequency and phase encoding, image formation and k-space.

Introduction to Diffusion MRI
Marta Correia
This workshop will cover the basic principles of diffusion MRI acquisition and data analysis.

fMRI Analysis I - pre-processing
Johan Carlin

fMRI Analysis III - Group Statistics
Johan Carlin

Graph Theory
Sarah Morgan


Some Physics You Might Find Useful
Olaf Hauk Demonstration of basic physical concepts needed for the interpretation of EEG/MEG and fMRI data, including some experimental demos.


MRI Physics II
Marta Correia
This talk is aimed at fMRI beginners. Firstly, I will talk about the basic mechanisms behind BOLD contrast. In the second half of the talk, I will discuss common image artefacts and ways to work around them.

Lab tour and demo
Marta Correia, Marius Mada

fMRI Analysis II - GLM
Johan Carlin

fMRI/EEG/MEG Connectivity
Rik Henson


EEG/MEG and Multimodal Imaging

Feb 19

Feb 20

Feb 21

Feb 22

Feb 23


EEG/MEG 1 - pre-processing
Olaf Hauk

EEG/MEG 2 - Source Estimation
Olaf Hauk

Brain Stimulation
Benedikt Zoefel

EEG/MEG Analysis in SPM
Jason Taylor and Rik Henson

Source Estimation And Statistics in SPM
Jason Taylor and Rik Henson



MEG lab visit and demo
Clare Cook and Olaf Hauk

EEG/MEG 3 - time-frequency and functional connectivity
Olaf Hauk

Multimodal Imaging
Rik Henson

Multimodal Imaging In SPM
Jason Taylor and Rik Henson


PREVIOUS schedule (with materials attached)

April 26


Multivariate fMRI Analysis I PDF

Marieke Mur

Lecture + Workshop

This workshop introduces linear classification, one of the most popular forms of multivoxel pattern analysis. We will give an overview of the most commonly used linear classifiers, and list the steps that are needed to implement a classification analysis. The workshop will include a hands-on matlab session, during which we'll go through example code that performs linear classification on an fMRI data set.

May 3


Multivariate fMRI Analysis II PDF

Marieke Mur

Lecture + Workshop

This workshop introduces representational similarity analysis (RSA), a more recent form of multivoxel pattern analysis which has gained popularity over the last few years. We will give an overview of the origin of RSA and how it relates to linear classification, and list the steps that are needed to implement RSA. The workshop will include a hands-on matlab session, during which we'll analyse the same fMRI data as last week, but this time using RSA.

May 10


Multimodal Imaging

Rik Henson


This lecture will describe possible generative models that can be used to integrate data from EEG, MEG and fMRI

May 16 (Tuesday !!!)


Connectivity with EEG/MEG and fMRI

Rik Henson


This lecture will introduce concepts of functional and effective connectivity, briefly describe effective connectivity in fMRI (eg dynamic causal modelling) and then expand on the larger range of methods available for measuring connectivity with EEG/MEG.

May 24


Diffusion MRI I

Marta Correia

Lecture + Workshop

This workshop will cover the basic principles of diffusion MRI acquisition and data analysis. It will include a practical component covering pre-processing of diffusion MRI data, model fitting, group analysis of diffusion parameters and tractography.

May 31


Diffusion MRI II

Marta Correia

Lecture + Workshop

In this week’s workshop we will continue the hands on session for pre-processing of diffusion MRI data and introduce methods for group analyses. We will also cover more advanced diffusion MRI methods, including tractography and probabilistic modelling.

July 26/27

fMRI and EEG/MEG Analysis in SPM - from raw data to multimodal images


Wed, July 26


Introduction to EEG/MEG analysis in SPM

Jason Taylor


Introduction and overview of EEG/MEG analysis in SPM.


fMRI analysis in SPM

Jason Taylor & Rik Henson


Demo of standard fMRI analysis in SPM12.

Thu, July 27


Source estimation and statistics in SPM

Jason Taylor & Rik Henson


Demo of source estimation and statistics in SPM12.


Multimodal imaging workshop and Q&A

Jason Taylor, Rik Henson, Hunar Abdulrahman


Participants can analyse a multi-modal data set under supervision, following chapter 42 of the SPM12 manual

Previous Lent Term







Jan 18


A Field Day: Some Physics You May Find Useful

Olaf Hauk

Lecture (~ 1h)

Basic physical concepts needed for the interpretation of EEG/MEG and fMRI data. Electric potential, fields, atoms and spins...

Jan 25


MRI Physics 1: Introduction to MRI Physics

Marta Correia

Lecture (~1.5h)

This talk will cover the basic principles of MRI physics for beginners, including nuclear spins and net magnetization, excitation and relaxation mechanisms, slice selective gradients, frequency and phase encoding, image formation and k-space.

Jan 30 (Monday!!)


MRI Physics 2:The BOLD Signal and Common Artefacts

Marta Correia


This talk is aimed at fMRI beginners and will be divided into two parts. Firstly, I will talk about the biophysics of fMRI and the basic mechanism behind BOLD contrast. In the second half, I will discuss common image artefacts and ways to work around them.

Feb 8


fMRI Analysis 1: fMRI Pre-Processing (workshop materials)

Johan Carlin

Lecture + Workshop

We will cover basic preprocessing of fMRI data, and some useful diagnostic visualisations to help spot problems.

Feb 15


fMRI Analysis 2: Single subject analysis using GLM (workshop materials)

Johan Carlin

Lecture + Workshop

This workshop covers the basic principles of single-subject design focusing on how it is implemented in SPM. We will also discuss how to design efficient fMRI experiments.

Feb 22


fMRI Analysis 3: Group analysis and statistical inference (workshop materials)

Johan Carlin

Lecture + Workshop

After a short recap of the GLM, which also is the basis of group analysis, we will review some example designs. We will focus especially on statistical inference and multiple comparisons correction.

Mar 1


Brain stimulation PDF

Benedikt Zöfel

Lecture (45 min approx.)

This talk will provide an introduction to brain stimulation methods, with a focus on transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial electrical stimulation (tES). I will cover the principles of these techniques, the physiological basis of the effects, the different protocols used, and examples of how brain stimulation can be used as an experimental and therapeutic tool.

Mar 8


EEG/MEG 1: Pre-processing and Data Reviewing PDF

Olaf Hauk

Lecture + Workshop

Signal generation, Maxfilter, Common artefacts, ICA, Averaging, MEG-MRI Coregistration

Mar 14 (!!!) Tuesday


EEG/MEG 2: Head Models and Source Estimation PDF

Olaf Hauk


We will look at structural MRI data and reconstructed cortical surfaces, co-register MRI and MEG coordinate systems, talk about the basis theory of source estimation, and try some linear source estimation ourselves. We will then compare different methods as well as EEG and MEG with respect to spatial resolution using the concepts of point-spread and cross-talk.

April 5 (postponed from March 22nd)


EEG/MEG 3: Time-frequency and Functional Connectivity Analysis PDF

Olaf Hauk


Basics of Fourier and Wavelet analysis; source estimation at single-trial level; spatial resolution: point- and field-spread; spectral connectivity: coherence and phase-locking; possibly more…

None: IntroductionNeuroimagingLectures (last edited 2024-07-29 15:20:08 by OlafHauk)