= Talks from 2016-2017 session = __2016__ '''11th October''' - Katrina Gore (Independent Statistical Consultant) on [[attachment:NOT28a.pdf |'Driving the Robustness of Preclinical Research within the Pharmaceutical Industry']]. A .mp3 file of Katrina's talk is downloadable from [[attachment:NOT28a.mp3 | here]] and a pdf file of Katrina's talk slides is [[attachment:NOT28aslides.pdf | here]]. '''21st November''' - Nick Galwey (GlaxoSmithKline) on [[attachment:NOT28b.pdf|'Use of historical information to supplement a future study: opportunity and difficulty'.]] __2017__ '''2nd February''' - Karthik Tadinada (Featurespace) on [[attachment:NOT281.pdf|'What can gambling machine data tell us about betting behaviour?']]. Maps of the venue and adjacent car parking areas are [[attachment:COSLETTmap.pdf | here]] and [[attachment:PARKINGmap.png | here.]] Slides of Karthik's talk are [[attachment:NOT281slides.pdf | here]] and a .mp3 audio file of Karthik's talk is [[attachment:NOT281.mp3| here.]] '''7th March''' - Patricia Fara (Clare College) on [[attachment:NOT282.pdf | 'A lab of one’s own: science & suffrage in the First World War'.]] Slides from Patricia's talk are available from [[attachment:NOT282slides.pdf | here]] and a .mp3 audio file of Patricia's talk is [[attachment:NOT282.mp3| here.]] '''3rd April''' - Daniel Gaffney (Sanger Institute) on [[attachment:NOT283.pdf | 'Mapping regulatory variation in human cells'.]] A .mp3 audio file of Daniel's talk is [[attachment:NOT283.mp3| here.]] '''3rd May''' - Alun Bedding (Roche Products Ltd) on [[attachment:NOT284.pdf| 'Innovative statistical approaches for studies in anti-infective drug combination development'.]] Alun's talk slides are [[attachment:NOT284slides.pdf | here]] and a .mp3 audio file of Alun's talk is [[attachment:NOT284.mp3| here.]]