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File Name                                            Modified              Size
DEMO EDA DATA/beck.sav                         2009-07-14 13:01:18        45371
DEMO EDA DATA/BIMODAL PLOT.ppt                 2010-10-04 15:09:06       137216
DEMO EDA DATA/Bootstrap in R.txt               2009-09-04 12:32:04          547
DEMO EDA DATA/BOXCOX OUTPUT.txt                2020-09-07 16:19:16         3042
DEMO EDA DATA/BOXCOX.txt                       2020-09-07 15:09:58          362
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/        2021-09-13 08:43:06            0
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/Bootstrap in R OUTPUT.txt 2020-09-18 12:29:32         1231
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/boxplot log.pdf 2020-09-18 12:41:44         1602
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/boxplots raw.pdf 2020-09-18 12:41:22         1984
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/histogram log beck.pdf 2020-09-18 12:37:46         1790
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/pairwise plot with names.pdf 2020-09-18 12:35:36       110066
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/pairwise plot.pdf 2020-09-18 12:34:42       109442
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/qqplot beck log.pdf 2020-09-18 12:42:42         8654
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/qqplot beck raw.pdf 2020-09-18 12:43:26         8651
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA PLOTS & OTHER BITS R/VARIANCES histogram bootstrap.pdf 2020-09-18 12:31:18        62690
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA skew and kurtosis OUTPUT.txt 2020-10-08 09:50:40         1154
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA skew and kurtosis.txt        2020-10-08 09:50:52          344
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA_BECK.SPS                     2009-07-16 11:59:38          662
DEMO EDA DATA/EDA_CENTRE.SPS                   2009-10-14 17:15:16          402
DEMO EDA DATA/eda_centres.sav                  2009-07-08 16:40:20         1875
DEMO EDA DATA/GROUPED DATA CLOUD.doc           2011-07-07 17:05:50        38912
DEMO EDA DATA/LIST OF DEMOS.doc                2009-07-28 12:02:48        30720
DEMO EDA DATA/new_box-cox.sps                  2009-10-14 17:19:32         1983
DEMO EDA DATA/NORMAL MIXTURE GRAPH.DOC         2009-10-15 13:54:46       110963
DEMO EDA DATA/normal mixtures GRAPH.spo        2009-07-23 16:28:50        40448
DEMO EDA DATA/NORMAL MIXTURES.sav              2009-07-23 15:56:18         7209
DEMO EDA DATA/NORMAL MIXTURES.SPS              2009-10-01 12:21:36         2104
DEMO EDA DATA/R EDA plots.txt                  2011-07-07 17:06:16         3981
DEMO EDA DATA/SLIDE FROM R BITMAP.ppt          2011-07-05 14:11:44       118784
DEMO EDA DATA/SUICIDES.sav                     2009-07-09 14:14:58         1537
DEMO EDA DATA/Thumbs.db                        2020-09-08 10:24:58        38912
DEMO EDA DATA/UNIMODAL PLOT.ppt                2010-10-04 15:15:08       135680
DEMO EDA DATA/unimodal results and bad starting values.spo 2009-10-14 17:20:38       269312
eda_mrc WITH DEMOS.ppt                         2020-11-09 13:19:26       802304
graphics GOOD PRACTICE.doc                     2011-09-20 11:31:00       369664

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