R Training Day (Beginners)

Tuesday 31st March 2015, CBSU West Wing Seminar Room, 9am to 5pm.

R is a free-to-use software environment for statistical analysis. It is being increasingly used for a range of analyses from the simple (descriptives) through to Bayesian and structural equation modeling. This course is for complete beginners who are new to R but might be interested in using it for their work. It will include how to use key structures in R such as vectors, data types and functions to perform statistical analysis and data manipulations and also give a taster of its powerful plotting capabilities.

This hands-on course will include laptop sessions to practice understanding of concepts and will be led by Simon White and Adam Wagner of the University of Cambridge who are experienced R users and teachers. It will take place in the West Wing Seminar Room and will last from 9am to 5pm. A questionnaire will also be circulated to those attending to gauge further interest.

You can register to take part via this Doodle poll: http://doodle.com/7v9emx35963tqc3s