= Equal samples t test for a given power in R = For a two-tailed test with type I error, alp, with inputted mean and average group sd will have power equal to pow. [TYPE INTO R THE DESIRED INPUTS ALPHA, MEAN, SD AND N USING VALUES IN FORM BELOW]. The R syntax below {{{ pow <- 0.8 beta <- 0.05 mdiff <- 2 sd <- 4 }}} the the below will give the equal samples in ''nout''. {{{ fn <- function(n) { (pow - (1 - pt(abs(qt(beta/2,(2*n)-2)),(2*n)-2,mdiff/sqrt(2*sd*sd/n))) )^2 } nout<- nlm(fn,2) nout<- trunc(nout$estimate+1) print(nout) }}} This can be run in SPSS 16 using R integrator plug-in (see [[FAQ/powspsinR| here)]].