= What does the TRANSPOSE ALL DATA option in the RESTRUCTURE menu do in SPSS? = Transposing all data simply makes the rows the columns and the columns the rows. For example |||| 1 || 4 || |||| 2 || 5 || |||| 3 || 6 || becomes, after transposing, |||||| 1 || 2 || 3 || |||||| 4 || 5 || 6 || and vice-versa so that the transpose of a transposed data set is the original data set. This is not usually of use as similar operations on ''subsets'' of columns of the data, rather than all columns, is usually required and this can be carried out using the other two options in the RESTRUCTURE menu which correspond to VARSTOCASES or CASESTOVARS commands. These latter two options are hence more flexible than the transpose all data option.