= An example using a text file edited in EXCEL as input into SAS using the INFILE command = {{{ DATA ONE(keep=id iq y r1 r2 match weight); INFILE "C:\Documents and Settings\peterw\Desktop\My Documents\My Do cuments2\GEES_SAS\gee_import.txt"; input iq1 iq2 r1 r2; ID+1; Y=r1; MATCH=1; IQ=iq1; OUTPUT; Y=r2; MATCH=2; IQ=iq2; OUTPUT; DATA TWO; SET ONE; match2=0; if match=1 then do; match2 = 0; end; if match=2 then do; match2 = 1; end; run; proc genmod data=two; class id; /* scwgt weight; */ model y = match2 iq /dist=bin; repeated subject=id /type=un corrw; make 'geercov' out=rcov; make 'GEEEmpPest' out=wt; run; }}}