Diff for "FAQ/powerFAQ" - CBU statistics Wiki
location: Diff for "FAQ/powerFAQ"
Differences between revisions 39 and 72 (spanning 33 versions)
Revision 39 as of 2009-11-13 11:30:50
Size: 1537
Editor: PeterWatson
Revision 72 as of 2017-06-22 11:11:37
Size: 2512
Editor: PeterWatson
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 1. [http://www.childrens-mercy.org/stats/ask/tail.asp When and how do I evaluate a one-sided p-value?]  1. [[FAQ/pilot| Can I combine pilot data with main study data?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/Power: Power calculations for testing if correlations equal zero]  1. [[FAQ/onesp| When and how do I evaluate a one-sided p-value and quote a one-sided 95% confidence interval?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/effectSize: A guide to magnitudes of effect sizes]  1. [[FAQ/powtabs| What sample sizes do I need for doing tests with a given power?]]
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 1. [attachment:prep.pdf Problems using p-rep, the Probability of Replication]  1. [[FAQ/effectSize| A guide to magnitudes of effect sizes]]
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 1. [:FAQ/dunlap: A quick guide to choice of sample sizes for Cohen's effect sizes]  1. [[FAQ/prep| Problems using p-rep, the Probability of Replication]]
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 1. [:FAQ/td: How do I convert a t-statistic into an effect size?]  1. [[FAQ/dunlap| A quick guide to choice of sample sizes for Cohen's effect sizes]]
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 1. [:FAQ/cd: How do I compute Cohen's d in SPSS?]  1. [[FAQ/comparezt|A note on comparing z and t statistics and their p-values?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/effcis: A guide to obtaining confidence intervals for effect sizes]  1. [[FAQ/td| How do I convert a t-statistic (and an Odds Ratio) into an effect size?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/Escomp: How do I compute effect sizes?]  1. [[FAQ/cd| How do I compute Cohen's d in SPSS and EXCEL and its and eta-squared confidence interval in SPSS, R or EXCEL?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/power:How do I do power calculations in SPSS, R and EXCEL?]  1. [[FAQ/hedgeg| How do I compute Hedge's g from Cohen's d?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/equival:How do I compute statistical tests of equivalence?]  1. [[FAQ/mse| How do I compute Mean Square Error (MSE) in EXCEL or SPSS?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/SPSSpow:Computing Power for ANOVAs using the SPSS GLM procedure]  1. [[FAQ/effcis| A guide to obtaining confidence intervals for effect sizes]]
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 1. [:FAQ/FDR:How do I do False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrections for multiple tests?]  1. [[FAQ/Escomp| How do I compute effect sizes (including variance adjusted ones)?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/Bayes:How do I calculate and interpret conditional probabilities?]  1. [[FAQ/powprogs|How do I do power calculations in SPSS, R, EXCEL and using web freeware?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/pvalues:How do I find p-values using critical values as input in SPSS and EXCEL?]  1. [[FAQ/powposi|How do I do power (sample size) calculations on Poisson counts?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/SpssBonferroni:Adjusted p-values]  1. [[FAQ/studyN| General rules of thumb for sample sizes in pilot studies]]
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 1. [:FAQ/CombiningPvalues:Combining p-values by Fisher's and Stouffer's methods]  1. [[attachment:senspN.xls|How do I work out sample size for apriori specificities and sensitivities?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/CombiningZandT:Summing z values and summing t-values]  1. [[FAQ/equival|How do I compute statistical tests of equivalence?]]
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 1. [:FAQ/Fdfs:Why does the value of one in the F distribution have a p-value which is less than 1?]  1. [[FAQ/SPSSpow|Computing Power for ANOVAs using the SPSS GLM procedure]]

 1. [[attachment:MANpow.pdf|Computing Power for ANOVAs using the SPSS MANOVA procedure]]

 1. [[FAQ/FDR|How do I do False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrections for multiple tests?]]

 1. [[FAQ/Bayes|How do I calculate and interpret conditional probabilities?]]

 1. [[FAQ/pvalsdef|What is a p-value?]]

 1. [[FAQ/pvalues|How do I find p-values using critical values as input in SPSS and EXCEL?]]

 1. [[FAQ/pvs|How do I adjust p-values for number of comparisons using SPSS and R?]]

 1. [[FAQ/SpssBonferroni|Adjusted p-values]]

 1. [[FAQ/CombiningPvalues|Combining p-values by Fisher's and Stouffer's methods]]

 1. [[FAQ/CombiningZandT|Summing z values and summing t-values]]

 1. [[FAQ/Fdfs|Why does the value of one in the F distribution have a p-value which is less than 1?]]

Questions about p-values, significance or power of tests

  1. Can I combine pilot data with main study data?

  2. When and how do I evaluate a one-sided p-value and quote a one-sided 95% confidence interval?

  3. What sample sizes do I need for doing tests with a given power?

  4. A guide to magnitudes of effect sizes

  5. Problems using p-rep, the Probability of Replication

  6. A quick guide to choice of sample sizes for Cohen's effect sizes

  7. A note on comparing z and t statistics and their p-values?

  8. How do I convert a t-statistic (and an Odds Ratio) into an effect size?

  9. How do I compute Cohen's d in SPSS and EXCEL and its and eta-squared confidence interval in SPSS, R or EXCEL?

  10. How do I compute Hedge's g from Cohen's d?

  11. How do I compute Mean Square Error (MSE) in EXCEL or SPSS?

  12. A guide to obtaining confidence intervals for effect sizes

  13. How do I compute effect sizes (including variance adjusted ones)?

  14. How do I do power calculations in SPSS, R, EXCEL and using web freeware?

  15. How do I do power (sample size) calculations on Poisson counts?

  16. General rules of thumb for sample sizes in pilot studies

  17. How do I work out sample size for apriori specificities and sensitivities?

  18. How do I compute statistical tests of equivalence?

  19. Computing Power for ANOVAs using the SPSS GLM procedure

  20. Computing Power for ANOVAs using the SPSS MANOVA procedure

  21. How do I do False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrections for multiple tests?

  22. How do I calculate and interpret conditional probabilities?

  23. What is a p-value?

  24. How do I find p-values using critical values as input in SPSS and EXCEL?

  25. How do I adjust p-values for number of comparisons using SPSS and R?

  26. Adjusted p-values

  27. Combining p-values by Fisher's and Stouffer's methods

  28. Summing z values and summing t-values

  29. Why does the value of one in the F distribution have a p-value which is less than 1?

None: FAQ/powerFAQ (last edited 2019-01-16 12:17:26 by PeterWatson)