= R code Power for unequal groups unpaired t-test = Delta is the ratio of group 2 to group 1, alpha is (two-tailed) type I error, group means, mean1 and mean2, with standard deviations, sd1 and sd2, and n1 is the number in group 1. Power is outputted. [COPY AND PASTE INTO R] {{{ fn <- function (alpha,delta,mean1,mean2,sd1,sd2,n1) { mdiff <- mean1 - mean2 sd <- sqrt((n1*sd1*sd1+n1*delta*sd2*sd2)/(n1+delta*n1-2)) pow <- 1 - pt(abs(qt(beta/2, n1+(delta*n1)-2)), n1+(delta*n1)-2, mdiff/sqrt((sd*sd)/n1+(sd*sd)/(n1*delta))) cat("Power for (two-tailed) unequal sized groups unpaired t-test =") print(pow) } }}} [THEN ENTER INPUTS IN FORM BELOW] {{{ delta <- 2 alpha <- 0.05 mean1 <- 2 mean2 <- 0 sd1 <- 4 sd2 <- 5 n1 <- 45 }}} AND RUN {{{ fn(alpha,delta,mean1,mean2,sd1,sd2,n1) }}}