= How do I obtain a pooled mean standard error? = Suppose we wish to pool over each of K people (or groups) with the k-th individual having variance $$\mbox{V}_text{k}$$ and mean $$\mbox{m}_text{k}$$ based on a sample of size $$\mbox{n}_text{k}$$. Then pooling the K variances we have $$\mbox{Pooled Variance V = } \frac{\sum_text{k}^text{K} (n_text{k}-1) \mbox{V}_text{k}}{\sum_text{k}^text{K} (n_text{k} -1)} $$ and we can use this pooled variance to obtain the standard error of the mean since $$\mbox{Pooled Mean Standard Error = } \sqrt{ \frac{\mbox{V}}{\sum_text{k}^text{K} n_text{k}} } $$