= Power for a one-sample chi-square test using R = For a type I error, alpha, proportions contained in the vector, prop, and total sample size of ntot we obtain power, pow, and effect size, omega. [COPY AND PASTE INPUTS BELOW INTO R AND ADJUST AS REQUIRED] {{{ alpha <- 0.05 prop <- c(0.1,0.4,0.5) ntot <- 23 }}} [COPY AND PASTE THE BELOW INTO R] {{{ chisq <- sum((prop - (1/length(prop)))^2)/(1/length(prop)) omega <- sqrt(chisq) pow <- 1-pchisq(abs(qchisq(1-alpha,length(prop)-1)),length(prop)-1,ntot*chisq) cat("Power of one-sample chi-square =") print(pow) cat("Effect size, w, =") print(omega) }}}