= Using OMS to produce interaction plots = The below produces an excel file which can be used to obtain graphs of means with their confidence intervals. The means from combinations of categorical variable values (e.g. age and sex) must be recoded into a single value. This can be done using if statements such as {{{ IF(age eq 1 and sex eq 'M') group =1. exe. }}} Since EXCEL only accepts series of adjacent cells care should be taken in the values of the single recoded group variable. {{{ OMS /SELECT TABLES /IF SUBTYPES=['DESCRIPTIVES'] /DESTINATION FORMAT=SAV OUTFILE='c:\descriptives.sav' /COLUMNS SEQUENCE=[R3]. EXAMINE VARIABLES=test_score BY group /PLOT NONE /STATISTICS /CINTERVAL 95 /MISSING LISTWISE /NOTOTAL. OMSEND. GET FILE='C:\descriptives.sav'. exe. compute width=UpperBound-Mean. exe. select if(var3 eq 'Statistic'). SAVE TRANSLATE OUTFILE='C:\ebars.xls' /TYPE=XLS /VERSION=8 /MAP /REPLACE /FIELDNAMES /CELLS=VALUES /DROP=Command_ Subtype_ Label_ Var1 Var2 Var3 LowerBound UpperBound @5TrimmedMean Median Variance Std.Deviation Minimum Maximum Range InterquartileRange Skewness Kurtosis . }}} You should have a file on your C: drive called ebars.sav which contains two columns called mean and width.