The SPSS syntax below computes the raw score means with given mean rank (as outputted by !kwpairs). This may be a more intuitive way of expressing the locations of each group. Run immediately after running !kwpairs as the macro assumes the data has been backed up in a file called input.sav which is created by running !kwpairs. [COPY AND PASTE BELOW SYNTAX INTO A SPSS SYNTAX WINDOW; SELECT ALL AND RUN; EDIT LAST TWO LINES TO SUBSTITUTE OBSERVED MEAN RANKS] {{{ * input a column of scores (y) and group * run immediately after using !kwpairs macro * using the outputted mean ranks as input in * bottom line below; * BACKUP DATA BEFORE RUNNING THIS MACRO * * outputs in file called output.sav (located in * My Documents folder) and in output window * the raw data value in original data with * corresponding mean rank obtained by * interpolation set errors=none. set mprint=off. DEFINE RMEAN (!POS !TOKENS(1)). get file=input.sav. COMPUTE MR=!1. RANK VARIABLES=y (A) /RANK /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN . exe. SORT CASES BY RY(A). IF (MR GT RY) LR=MIN(ABS(MR-RY)). IF (MR LT RY) UR=MIN(ABS(MR-RY)). EXE. IF (LR GT 0) IND=1. IF (UR GT 0) IND=2. EXE. aggregate outfile=* /break=IND /LRY LY=MAX(RY Y) /URY UY=MIN(RY Y). IF (IND EQ 1) LRYY=LRY. IF (IND EQ 1) LYY=LY. IF (IND EQ 2) URYY=URY. IF (IND EQ 2) UYY=UY. EXE. COMPUTE dummy=1. EXE. aggregate outfile=* /break=dummy /RY1 Y1 RY2 Y2=FIRST(LRYY LYY URYY UYY). COMPUTE MR=!1. COMPUTE RMN=Y1 + (Y2-Y1) * (MR-RY1) / (RY2-RY1). EXE. aggregate outfile=* /break=dummy /LY=FIRST(RMN). save outfile=output.sav /keep = LY. exe. GET FILE=OUTPUT.SAV. compute mr=!1. formats all (f11.8). variable labels mr 'Mean Rank' /ly 'Raw mean' . report format=list automatic align(center) /variables=mr ly /title "Raw score mean obtained by interpolation having given mean rank". !ENDDEFINE. * input a single group mean rank as outputted * by !kwpairs macro: * macro outputs raw data value in original data * with inputted corresponding mean rank * substitute the two outputted mean ranks * for 8.5 and 8.0714 given below RMEAN 8.5. RMEAN 8.0714. }}}